Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 3 Creation. January 16th, 2015
Lubov Ovtchinikova. Today it's a Birthday card, will be send off tomorrow.

2015 New Year resolution: create every day for a year, 365 days hopefully. Jewelry, drawings, paintings, sketches, maybe spent many days on one piece, but CREATE and create EVERY DAY beginning January 14th, 2015 the beginning of the Russian New Year
Maybe it is too ambitious but if I don't try I wouldn't know!
With my 8 to 5 job that has nothing to do with creativity, it is essential that I have CREATIVE PROCESS in my life, I need it.

Day 2 Creation. January 15th. 2015
Lubov Ovtchinikova."Creation a day for 365, 2015" collection:
Городочки #1. 2015. Pen, color pencil on paper. 4 x 4 in.

2015 New Year resolution: create every day for a year, 365 days hopefully. Jewelry, drawings, paintings, sketches, maybe spent many days on one piece, but CREATE and create EVERY DAY beginning January 14th, 2015 the beginning of the Russian New Year
Maybe it is too ambitious but if I don't try I wouldn't know!
With my 8 to 5 job that has nothing to do with creativity, it is essential that I have CREATIVE PROCESS in my life, I need it.

DAY ONE CREATION. January 14th, 2015
Lubov Ovtchinikova."Angled". Sea glass, shell and silver coated wire.
__________________________________________________________________2015 New Year resolution: create every day for a year, 365 days hopefully. Jewelry, drawings, paintings, sketches, maybe spent many days on one piece, but CREATE and create EVERY DAY beginning January 14th, 2015 the beginning of the Russian New Year
Maybe it is too ambitious but if I don't try I wouldn't know! 
With my 8 to 5 job that has nothing to do with creativity, it is essential that I have CREATIVE PROCESS in my life, I need it.